Sunday, September 11, 2011


    Lorna Meaden's work is heavily inspired by 18th century European porcelain and silver works. Her pieces use a lot of line, shape, and color to convey a feeling of an older era. I chose this artist because her mugs had great shape in them that we don't see too often in the 21st century. I also liked the glazes she used to give it an antique air. Lorna currently lives in Durango, Colorado and works as a full time potter; she uses and prefers porcelain over any other type of clay. She has a MFA in ceramics and a BA in art and has taught ceramics in several colleges. Lorna has received many awards over the years such as the Sean Shanahan Purchase Award, the Merchandise Award, and the Elmor E. Craig Award. She has also represented her artwork in  galleries such as the Harvey/Meadows Gallery in Aspen, Colorado and The Clay Studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Assignment #1

a) I think this is a very innovative program and the very idea of borrowing mugs is quite bizarre to me. Nevertheless, I believe it will be successful in its mission to infuse a little bit of art in the homes of all people and encourage “cultural interchange.” An increase in publicity would greatly benefit this cause; I’m sure the more people who know about this amazing opportunity, the more people would participate. Social outreach programs such as this are important because they educate and bring awareness of many cultural movements to people of all backgrounds. If similar rules and consequences are maintained, then I am sure that this program will be as effective and beneficial at our high school.