Friday, June 8, 2012

Blog #17

1. I feel like we should have tried more ways of throwing clay in the wheel (the doughnut teapot was an amazing project). Other than that I think our projects were pretty diverse and covered a wide range of topics.

2. I'm not sure if it's so much as a style as a mindset going into the project. I try to change it up, challenge myself, and just make it pleasing to look at.

3. I do feel that I've progressed and improved in the finesse and detail I put into a piece. I like how I've been experimenting with new glaze combinations not sampled and making my pieces larger in size. I could improve on throwing techniques and sculpture.

4. I enjoyed the blogs! I felt so professional posting pictures of my artwork. But in all seriousness, it is very helpful to have all the pictures of your work in one place. I also thought the blog posts on artwork, artists, and inspiration were interesting and enriching. It's cool how you can see the progression of your artwork over the year. If our blogs had all our work since our first ceramics class, it would be so intriguing to see the timeline of a young artist maturing into skilled and somewhat experienced ceramist.

Sgraffito Jar Final Project

This is a sgraffito jar but not mine (I'm pretty sure it's in the kiln). My sgraffito jar is about Cleopatra Philopator and has hieroglyphics on the sides that say 'Queen Cleopatra.' The lid of the jar is the representation of the goddess Isis; Cleopatra represented herself as Isis to her people to gain respect and popularity.

Final "Choice" project

Wax resist

Teapot final project

Monday, June 4, 2012

Festival of The Arts

           I unfortunately did not take any pictures at the Festival of The Arts but I thought it was a wonderful event that allowed young artists to showcase their work. Having all my work together and on display was a very different experience and made me feel a little proud of all the hard work I put into each piece. You never really know the impact of your work until they're all together and on display. The festival definitely had a sentimental tinge as it would be our last time being with these same talented people but it was an enjoyable event overall and a huge success.